Ballymena and Belfast Panel Engagements

Over two days on 20 and 21 June 2022, the Panel travelled to Ballymena and Belfast for the final round of their open roundtable sessions on the efficiency and future remit of Invest NI.

The Panel hosted several meetings with local government staff and councillors, as well as representatives from Enterprise NI; the Catalyst CEOs Connect network,  Belfast Chamber; Federation of Small Businesses and Agri food/Agri tech, Digital/Cyber and Green Growth sectors.

Following the two day event, Sir Michael Lyons commented: “My Panel colleagues and I would like to extend our thanks to all those who have contributed to this stage of the Review. The evidence and opinion gathered from stakeholders will be instrumental in complementing our own research so that eventual conclusions will address the economic ambition of everyone in Northern Ireland. Whilst today marks the end of our open roundtable sessions, the Panel remains committed to listening to all voices across the region.  Therefore, we urge anyone who feels they can helpfully inform the work of the Review to submit a written response to us as soon as possible.”

Moving forward with the Review programme of work, attention will now pivot to fully concentrate on evidence analysis and specific follow up meetings, before the formulation of final report recommendations. 


Independent Review Panel meet with Belfast Chamber Chief Executive, Simon Hamilton
Independent Review Panel meet with Belfast Chamber Chief Executive, Simon Hamilton